Enrolment Terms and Payment Conditions
The student must return its enrolment form with...
- Registration form
- 20% of the total course fee (a minimum deposit of 300 €) or total course fee
- copie de votre passeport
- 3 identity photographs
You have to send us at least 3 weeks before the beginning of the courses. You will receive an enrolment certificate by return of mail or fax.
In order to get the attestation of registration requested to obtain a long-stay visa, the student must pay 50% of the total course fee.
The balance of fees must be paid on arrival, the first day of the course. The payment can be sent in Euro by cheque, Eurochèque, international cheque or by credit transfer (the bank charges the student) with your name and address to:
Adress : 79, rue James Cane 37000 Tours, France
Account Number : 09221208185 49
Bank code : 18707
Sort code : 00780
IBAN : FR76 1870 7007 8009 2212 0818 549
Name and Adress of Bank : Banque Populaire Val de France
2 avenue Victor Hugo - 37 300 JOUE LES TOURS - France
It is compulsory to join a copy of the insurance certificate of the student. The insurance must cover the diseases, the accidents, the damage arriving at the student and the civil liability. The school’s insurance covers for accidents or injuries occurring on the school premises only. The copy of the insurance certificate must be joined to the enrolment form in order to have your registration validated.
The transport charges are not included in our prices. Moreover, Tours Langues cannot be responsible for the student during his journey.
Travel organization must be planned and paid by the student who will inform Tours Langues, at least two weeks before the exact date of beginning of the courses.
If the student cancels before the starting of the lessons, the sum from the deposit refunded by Tours Langues is :
- 100 % if Tours Langues is informed at least 21 days before the beginning of the lessons.
- 50 % if Tours Langues is informed between 21 and 14 days before the beginning of the lessons (bank fees are to be paid by the student).
- 0 % if Tours Langues is informed less than 14 days before the beginning of the lessons.
No refund will be done if the attestation of registration requested to obtain a long-stay visa has been edited and issued (unless proof that visa has benn refused can be produced)
If the student goes back to its country before the end of the courses, whatever the reason, no refunding will be carried out. The school decline any responsibility and will not refund any fees for early departure.